I am linking up with BlogHoppin to tell you all ten things about me!
1. I got married two months ago, on the last day of school, talk about a crazy week! I loved every second of the craziness that was planning a wedding and ending the school year. It was the best day ever! :)
2. I've taught first grade for the past three years and this year I am moving to second I am so excited to be doing something new! Oh and I'm also moving schools so I won't be looping with my firsties :( I am so thankful for all those second grade bloggers out there with all their fabulous ideas I can't wait to try out with my new class!
3. I love my dog Champ! We rescued him literally from death- he was to be put down the next month! He has been a challenge and a joy. He is about 5 and is extremely protective especially of me, he barks at anyone who even look our way. Right before the wedding Champ decided it was a great idea to dislocate his hip! He has fully recovered and is doing very well!
4. I LOVE my friends we jokingly called ourselves the Fab 5 in college and somehow it just stuck! I love that we live in 4 different states but every time we get together no matter how much time has passed its like we were always together. I love these girls!!
5. I LOVE photobooths, especially at weddings, especially with PROPS!
6. I loooove dancing! I just can't get enough of it and when Whitney Houston's I Wanna Dance With Somebody comes on...watch out!
7. For some reason I love running 5ks. I don't know why exactly as I don't truly enjoy running all that much but something about that race adrenaline just gets me! I even came in 3rd place in one of my races!
8. I love Mumford and Sons, I could listen to them all day everyday 24/7 365 and never be sick of them. Their song "Not With Haste" was even our wedding song!
9. I am obsessed with HBO tv shows all of them I mean literally every one of them, TrueBlood, Newsroom, Boardwalk Empire, Vice, Game of Thrones and the list goes on and on
10. I recently went to the Justin Timberlake/Jay-Z concert. I was waaay more excited for Jay-Z than JT. It was the best concert ever!!
![Photo: The roc is in the building!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/1098112_670556452809_510251833_n.jpg)
Well that's a little bit about me! I can't wait to read about everyone else. Don't forget to link up with BlogHoppin!